On Tuesday, the girls both had doctor appointments. Emma is doing well. She has gained back her birth weight and then some! She now weighs 7 lbs. 2 oz. She has been awake more this week which is more exciting than watching her sleep all the time! She has been sleeping pretty good at night (except last night when she was up ALL night!)
Maria went in for her 18 month checkup and has officially fallen off the charts for her size. Yes, she is so little that she is below the 1st percentile. She weighed just over 19 lbs. No wonder she still doesn't fit in those 18 month clothes! :) But we aren't worried about her size since she doesn't come from a very big family. Maria has been having fun with Emma this week. She wraps her up in her blanket, helps feed her a bottle, pushes her in her swing and reads her books. (look below)
Here are a few more pictures from the week!
Now I'm off to start my first day of work this Friday, and Joe is starting his new job on Monday! There is a lot to be thankful for! :)