In Spanish this phrase literally means "pure life" but is more commonly thought of as meaning "full of life." Costa Ricans use this phrase to express a philosophy of strong community, perseverance, resilience in overcoming difficulties with good spirits, enjoying life slowly, and celebrating good fortune of magnitudes small and large alike. This blog is about our life... Pura Vida!


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today, I want to take a moment to ponder some of the many things I'm thankful for.

I am thankful for an extra car at our house... so that when one of my tires go flat, and I'm late for work, I have a back up to take.

I am thankful for my seniors, to whom I had to say goodbye to today. They have taught me so much this year, and I will truly miss each one of them.

I am thankful for coming home today to a brand new bed, headboard and nightstands! I might actually get a decent night's sleep tonight!

I'm thankful for a little 19 month old girl, who is so interested in potty training, she might beat her 3 year old sister to it! ;)

And finally... I'm so very grateful for my family and this beautiful place where we live.

Life is good.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Spring of course brings lots of projects at our house and because we have had such good weather, we have gotten several of our big projects done already! YAY!
Today, a load of gravel was delivered. Which meant that the girls got to play in it all day.
Who knew that the following equation would work so well?

My children + a load of gravel = Hours of FUN
The girls were shoveling, climbing, sledding, and simply playing the gravel pile for most of the day. I'm sure they will sleep well tonight!

The reason for the gravel was that we needed a filler behind our new wall.
(too bad that ugly electrical box is there...) Rock is in place and grass soon to be planted.

In the driveway

Behind the house, and in front of our garage, edgers and rock have been placed.
(Hopefully by the end of summer, grass, shrubs & perennial flowers will be planted!)

Behind House

In front of the garage

The yard is tilled and ready for grass to be planted.

It's really starting to look nice around here, which makes me so excited!

Our plans for the rest of the summer?
1. Plant grass.
2. Pour a concrete patio on our walkout basement.
3. Pour a concrete sidewalk.
4. RELAX and enjoy the summer!

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Baby

Emma. My baby. Isn't such a baby anymore. :(

She woke up from her nap the other day...and I thought, "When did you get so big?"

She chases Maria everywhere she goes.

And wants to do everything her big sister does.

She builds towers with her blocks.

She puts together puzzles all by herself.

She crawls on everything.  

She loves playing in the sand and dirt.

She loves swinging!

Her vocabulary is improving daily.

She sleeps with her little behind straight up in the air. :)

She giggles like nothing I've heard.

She has a silly smile that I will never forget.

Three months until my baby turns 2! Where did the time go?