In Spanish this phrase literally means "pure life" but is more commonly thought of as meaning "full of life." Costa Ricans use this phrase to express a philosophy of strong community, perseverance, resilience in overcoming difficulties with good spirits, enjoying life slowly, and celebrating good fortune of magnitudes small and large alike. This blog is about our life... Pura Vida!


Sunday, December 09, 2012

It's beginning...

to look a lot like Christmas!
The snow storm sure helped it feel more wintery outside!

We had a busy fun-filled weekend to get us in the Christmas spirit:
Friday, Maria had her very first Christmas program at school. She knew all her songs and did an awesome job! We were so proud of her. She had lots of family cheering her on that night too!
Saturday, we celebrated the second week of the Advent season with two different masses at church followed by a Christmas Ugly Sweater Party. (Joe's sweater even had lights!)
Sunday, we awoke to a beautiful snow fall and tried to stay off the roads as much as possible. After picking up the girls from Grandma & Grandpa's house, we spent lots of time playing in the freshly fallen snow! Sledding, shoveling, snow angels, oh my! We were excited to end the weekend with a Christmas party for Joe's work, but because of the wintry weather, the party got cancelled.
That's ok.. I'm perfectly content cuddling up with my sweet girls in front of the fireplace and watching Christmas movies tonight instead.
Now we are just patiently waiting the arrival of our newest niece or nephew in the next few days!
Yay for December fun days!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love the sweaters you two!! ;) Cute photos in the snow. I like the snow photos, but highly dislike the snow itself. I'm done with winter now. Spring can come just after the first of the year. I wish!

Cute new header Katie! At least, it's the first time I noticed it.