In Spanish this phrase literally means "pure life" but is more commonly thought of as meaning "full of life." Costa Ricans use this phrase to express a philosophy of strong community, perseverance, resilience in overcoming difficulties with good spirits, enjoying life slowly, and celebrating good fortune of magnitudes small and large alike. This blog is about our life... Pura Vida!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Winter is in the air!

As we look out the window at the beautiful snow falling today,we hope that this winter brings us lots of snow and nice weather! Especially since Joe bought a new snowmobile! Christmas shopping in this house has barely begun, but we hope that within the next few weeks it will be complete and we can enjoy the Christmas season. I especially look forward to decorating the house this weekend after chopping down our Christmas tree on Saturday.
Emma had an appointment last week, and now weighs 12.3 pounds! That is much larger than Maria was at this time. Emma was just three months old and she is already in 6 month clothing! She is doing great too! She loves to give us big smiles and talk like crazy. Although, she does have her crabby moments too, but that is ok! :) She decided she doesn't like sleeping through the night anymore, but hopefully she changes her mind again soon because Joe and I would much appreciate it.

Maria is being such a great big sister. Whenever she hears Emma start to cry, she says her name and runs over to her. She rubs her head and gives her kisses! So sweet! :)

Here are a few pictures of Emma's three month pictures taken by Joe's aunt Jill!Thanks Jill! They turned out great!

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