Ok, so I know I'm terrible at keeping this up to date. It's been nearly three months since the last post. I'm sorry!! But these girls are hard to keep up with!
Today, it's nearly 80 degrees out, and it's about time!!!! We've had some crazy weather this spring, and I haven't been a big fan of it. But today, it almost feels like summer!
The girls are doing great! Emma was 9 months last week and she has been doing a lot better (except those darn teeth that are coming in on the top finally!) She is happy and loves playing with Maria. She likes to play with the toy playhouse and chewing on anything she can find. She's also enjoying eating big girl food! She's still working on crawling, but she's pretty darn good at rolling around to where she wants to be. She likes to talk a lot too, even though her talk sounds like screaming, she's smiling! :) At Emma's 9 month checkup yesterday, she weighed 16 lbs. 4 oz. Just 2 oz more than Maria at this age. That was quite surprising for us since she's wearing much bigger clothes than Maria did at 9 months. Everything else went well at the doctor's...and even better news... no shots!
Maria is growing up so fast too! Her words and sentences are improving daily! She loves to sing and dance and read nursery rhymes. She already knows several of them! She also continues to love doing puzzles, reading books, and playing games. Another favorite---playing outside (usually in the mud! :). Last night, she planted trees with daddy!
We've been busy around the house cleaning up the yard of all the lovely house scraps, etc. And we finally got half of the yard planted. Let's hope that the grass springs up here in the next week or so even after our severe weather we had two nights ago! Joe's been working on getting the garage sided as well as finishing up some sheetrock in the basement. Then...next step is the deck!
Here's a small look at what we've been up to the past few months:

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