In Spanish this phrase literally means "pure life" but is more commonly thought of as meaning "full of life." Costa Ricans use this phrase to express a philosophy of strong community, perseverance, resilience in overcoming difficulties with good spirits, enjoying life slowly, and celebrating good fortune of magnitudes small and large alike. This blog is about our life... Pura Vida!


Friday, February 28, 2014

The last five months :)

Oh where has the time gone? Life has been so hectic in this house lately, I guess I sort of slipped on the blogging. Let me catch you up quick.
The girls had fun dressing up for Halloween and trick-or-treating. Here is my peacock, Minnie Mouse, and kangaroo:

We celebrated Thanksgiving. And boy do we have a lot to be thankful for!
Maria and Emma had their first dance show in December. They did awesome! They knew their dance perfectly! But they were most excited about wearing makeup! (yikes!)
We celebrated another wonderful Christmas with many activities and many family members. Here is a picture of Natalie on her very first Christmas:

 Then a little New Year's Eve party was in order. Cheers to the New Year!

 A cold winter hasn't allowed us too many outside days, but when there is a chance, the girls are playing in the snow or riding snowmobile with daddy. Maria especially loves the snow and snowmobiling. Both the girls also took an interest in ice skating and can go all by themselves!

Joe and I got a chance to get away for week in February to Mexico, which was absolutely perfect! We could not have asked for a better vacation. We went to Playa del Carmen 6 years ago for our honeymoon, and decided to return there for this vacation. It was pure relaxation. (I needed that sooo much!)

We returned from vacation to find Natalie crawling regularly, blowing kisses and climbing stairs! Ahhhh the things that happen in just one short week! And sitting in the mail was the Kindergarten Roundup packet. NOOOOOOOOOOOO it can't be that time already!
But it is that time. Last week, my big girl had to go and turn 5.
Here is a few photos from her "Magical Unicorn & Rainbow" party. 

 The inside of our rainbow tie-dye cake:
Time keeps flying by. I wish I could slow it down just a little bit... (because seriously, my baby turns one in two months!!)
But since I can't really slow time down, I will try to enjoy every moment and feel blessed for the people in my life that keep me busy.

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